So I'm going to review Stitch Fix #12 (which was awesome, thanks Niccole...) but first, can you believe this little guy just turned 11??? Sigh. Be still my heart. He's off at Camp Winshape this week.
And, in other news, I have also quit my job as a public defender. Yes. I am taking the leap into private practice (as a SOLO on my own, even!) - We got the new phone hooked up at my new office downtown last week. The kids were absolutely thrilled with my #lawyermom life... Not.
And, my old office of public defenders and staff, well, they were SO happy to see me succeed and spread my wings & fly - of course they are going to miss me - as evidenced by the message on my going away cake...

This is us dropping Coley off at Winshape on Sunday. I get him back Friday, and while I miss him, I KNOW he is having a fabulous time up in Cleveland, Georgia.
Now - for the StitchFix review... First, if you haven't heard of stitchfix or you need more info - here's the skinny in some old posts:
Click here to sign up to get a fix! It's a $20 styling fee, which is automatically credited to anything you purchase, and free shipping both ways. Plus, it's fun.
I swear I thought I had done more blog reviews. I promise to keep doing them in the future. Sorry I missed # 3-10 - but I have loved the service the whole time and while I've only kept the whole box once (twice?), it keeps getting better and better (and my current stylist Niccole, who I think I've had for 3 fixes now, has really made me happy! (Thanks, Stylist Niccole!)
OK - in this box I got a note from my Stylist, Niccole, style cards, and 5 items. I cannot for the life of me find my packing slip/invoice or the cards - but when I locate them I'll try to remember to update the blog post.
I got this hi-lo split back blouse (I believer it was $44) and the Melisa Mixed Geo Print Pencil Skirt ($48) I had specifically requested Niccole pick out some bottoms because I have LOVED all my stitch fix tops but with my new business venture, I can't very well pair them with my two favorite pairs of jeans every day!
This photo shows the back of the top. It was actually really cute with the pencil skirt - HOWEVER, it is a little sheer for my taste (though fabulously cool for Georgia summer...) and the front neckline is very narrow (meaning my bra straps kept popping out on my shoulders - and I didn't love how you can see the lumps and bumps in the back. *Maybe* if it was a size bigger it would have been ok, but then again, it's a loose flowy top, and while I always think I'm going to love loose and flowy it often makes me look like I'm hiding some extra fluff.
However, I do have a black top, and some black jackets that would look great with this pencil skirt, which I found to be surprisingly flattering. My mom always told me that a-line skirts were most flattering on "us" because of our curves, but, fuller skirts actually add some bulk to my bottom and I LOVE the print on this skirt.
SO - Verdict - TOP - sent back
OK - This is the Douglas pleated blouse - $44
When I pulled it out of the box I immediately thought - no way - while the cut is cute, it's horizontal stripes AND it's highlighter pink, which is, well, not me at all.
WRONG, JJ, WRONG - this top is my favorite piece in the box. Bonus, it goes with, like, everything - a plain black pencil skirt, grey dress pants, the black cropped pants in this box (below) and jeans. Plus it's light and cool and very very comfy.
Verdict - KEPT
So (stiull with the top) you can see that I'm also wearing the Sienna Cropped Black Pants: $58
Again, I asked Niccole for versatile bottoms - and these are FABULOUS - and they are by Kut From the Kloth, which I now own 2 pairs of jeans and these black crops. They fit super well and are totally cute and also versatile for business casual life. (Plus they look great with my silver sequin flats...)
I forgot to take a photo of the 5th item I got. It was a pair of pants I had specifically pinned on my Pinterest board, but the truth is that I should just let Niccole do the picking for me because they looked (on ME) like something you would wear to a disco in the late 70s. This is a stolen photo of them from the internet. They are the Margaret M Emer Geo Print pants (Mine actually had a different print with some little blue flecks. The print was great. BUT, they are stretch/slim cut with no zipper - and just generally not the best cut for me. Plus they were $88-$98? I can't remember, but a lot and not at all flattering.

ALAS - I am very very pleased with my box this month because I got 3 things I LOVE and they were all very reasonably priced and I've worn them all already!
If you would like to try stitchfix, PLEASE click here - if you use this link (my specific referral link), I do get a $25 referral credit when your first fix ships. It's very very low risk and I bet you get something you love.